June 2, 2009

Emory Douglas:Minister of Culture

I have always liked this artists work, but I've never seen him shown in NYC. If you aren't familiar with hm you should look him up. He is Emory Douglas former Minister of Culture for the Revolutionary Black Panther Party. His work was featured in just about every Panther Party newspaper. As Minister of Culture, was able to use his work to challenge the injustice that Blacks and the underclass were dealing with in the 1960's. His images are strong and eye catching detailing the plight of the underclass while maintaining their dignity and giving them a national voice through the use of the Black Panther new paper. As a painter I find his work inspirational because of his use of thick black outlines which is a technique I use in my own work as well, although not as masterfully.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. I'm digging this piece. I'll definitely look him up.

KidNice said...

I've seen some of his work, but I didn't know his name. thnx for sharing...